ADFP 9 in WebKB-2

This file represents the categories derived from the glossary and acronyms of ADFP 9 (Australian Defence Force Publication 9). All these categories are concept types.

The FT language is used. Statements/commands are in the courier font. They are enclosed within the XHTML marks <KR> and </KR> to permit WebKB-2 to distinguish them from regular text.
You can make WebKB-2 load this file and execute the commands in it, by clicking here.
This file is executed in the name of the user adfp9 (who have no password yet).

no "already the case" warning; //this file may be loaded more than once
"no storage;" would be the instruction to use during the development of the file
    since its knowledge representations must not be committed into the KB before
    they are all considered correct (in order to avoid removal operations).
    Note: until the content of the file is committed, the new categories exist in
    the KB only during the parsing of the file and hence these categories cannot
    be browsed via the search menus or the hyperlinks given below.

This file categorizes the types from ADFP 9 in two ways:
- by relating each type to its closest generalization in WordNet (Section 2 and Section 3) to permit the semantic checking of its use and its access via its generalizations;
- by building a small subsumption hierarchy only for these types (Section 1) to permit a visual synthesis of the category groups into which the types from ADFP 9 fall.

Various other relationships between the instances of these types could be represented. In Section 4, a simple data flow of the "deliberate planning process" is represented.

Table of contents

  1. Subsumption hierarchy of types from ADFP 9
  2. Types from the glossary of ADFP 9
  3. Types from the acronyms of ADFP 9
  4. Some relationships

1.  Subsumption hierarchy of types from ADFP 9

The types that are introduced only for categorization purposes have their names prefixed by an underscore. Types named "course of action" and "strategic objectives" have also been added (they are referred in the annotations of several types).

adfp9#_thing (^ADFP 9 top concept type^)
 < pm#Domain_object,
 > adfp9#_situation adfp9#_descriptive_element adfp9#_group adfp9#_spatial_entity
   adfp9#COG adfp9#CV adfp9#J adfp9#UNFCE;

   adfp9#_situation < pm#situation_playing_some_role,
    >  adfp9#_state adfp9#_process;

      adfp9#_state //< pm#state_playing_some_role, not in DSTO's KB
       > adfp9#_degree adfp9#_command_status adfp9#end-state;

         adfp9#_degree < #degree.state,
          > adfp9#culminating_point adfp9#DPT adfp9#TACON;

         adfp9#_command_status < #command.status,
          > adfp9#OPCOMD adfp9#OPCON adfp9#TACOMD;

      adfp9#_process < pm#process_playing_some_role,
       > adfp9#_planning adfp9#_operation adfp9#COA adfp9#administration
         adfp9#campaign adfp9#counterintelligence adfp9#decisive_points 
         adfp9#direct_support adfp9#joint_exercise adfp9#AME adfp9#EMA 
         adfp9#EW adfp9#JMAP adfp9#NGS adfp9#SAE adfp9#SPE;

         adfp9#_planning < #planning,
          > adfp9#campaign_planning adfp9#deliberate_planning 
            adfp9#immediate_planning adfp9#JIPB adfp9#ASSPP adfp9#STRAPP;

         adfp9#_operation < #operation,
          > adfp9#coalition_operation adfp9#IO adfp9#MSO adfp9#operation
            adfp9#peace_operation adfp9#IO;

         adfp9#COA__course_of_action < #course_of_action;

   adfp9#_descriptive_element < pm#description_content,
    > adfp9#_plan adfp9#_statement adfp9#_target adfp9#CCIR 
      adfp9#decision_support_overlay adfp9#directive_control
      adfp9#essential_elements_of_friendly_information adfp9#mandate
      adfp9#operational_objective adfp9#LOAC adfp9#MGI adfp9#PI adfp9#MOU
      adfp9#MSE adfp9#SME adfp9#MSPG adfp9#NATPOL adfp9#ROE adfp9#SOFA adfp9#SOP;

      adfp9#_plan < #plan,
       > adfp9#contingency_plan adfp9#lines_of_operation adfp9#OPINST 
         adfp9#operational_level_of_conflict adfp9#OPPLAN adfp9#supporting_plan
         adfp9#ANZCP adfp9#AOP adfp9#ASP adfp9#ISP;

      adfp9#_statement < #statement, //currently includes documents
       > adfp9#commander's_intent adfp9#concept_of_operations adfp9#_order
         adfp9#AMPD adfp9#APM adfp9#CABSUB adfp9#FPDA;

         adfp9#_order < #directive,
          > adfp9#adminord adfp9#notice_to_execute adfp9#directive adfp9#OPORD
            adfp9#WNGO adfp9#admininst adfp9#ALERTO adfp9#EXECUTEO adfp9#NTM

      adfp9#_target < #area.topic,
       > adfp9#EA adfp9#high_value_target adfp9#NAI adfp9#TAI;

         adfp9#strategic_objective < adfp9#_target #objective;

   adfp9#_group < #group,
    > adfp9#_task_force adfp9#_system adfp9#_department adfp9#_centre 
      adfp9#_command adfp9#_headquarters adfp9#_committee adfp9#_organization 
      adfp9#_division adfp9#mil adfp9#JEPG adfp9#JHPG adfp9#JIS adfp9#MILREPS
      adfp9#opconcepts adfp9#SCG adfp9#SIPG adfp9#SLPG adfp9#SPG adfp9#SPCG 
      adfp9#SWG adfp9#TLPG adfp9#TIPG adfp9#TPG adfp9#UNFOS adfp9#UNHCR 
      adfp9#UNMOG adfp9#UNSC;

      adfp9#_task_force < #task_force,
       > adfp9#assigned_forces adfp9#JF adfp9#national_contingent 
         adfp9#observer_mission adfp9#ASC adfp9#AUSMIMPS adfp9#COMASC
         adfp9#COMDSF adfp9#FEG adfp9#IDETF adfp9#SASR adfp9#SF adfp9#UNF;

      adfp9#_system < #system,
       > adfp9#ACAMS adfp9#battlespace adfp9#DEFCOMNET adfp9#LofC adfp9#NCMM;

      adfp9#_department < #department,
       > adfp9#ADFCPMG adfp9#CEOI adfp9#COMASCRP adfp9#DFAT adfp9#DOD adfp9#PM&C

      adfp9#_centre //under adfp9#_group or adfp9#_location ???
       > adfp9#ADFCC adfp9#EHC adfp9#JEWCC adfp9#JMCC adfp9#JOC adfp9#ONA;

      adfp9#_command < #command.military_unit,
       > adfp9#C2 adfp9#C3 adfp9#COMNORCOM adfp9#HQNORCOM adfp9#NCA;

      adfp9#_headquarters < #headquarters,//under adfp9#_group or adfp9#_location??
       > adfp9#ADHQ adfp9#CFHQ adfp9#HQ1JMOVGP adfp9#HQASC adfp9#HQSO adfp9#JFHQ

      adfp9#_committee < #committee,
       > adfp9#ASCC adfp9#ASCRP adfp9#COSC adfp9#CPG adfp9#DSD adfp9#IDC 
         adfp9#JSLPC adfp9#NSCC adfp9#SCNS;

      adfp9#_organization < #organization,
       > adfp9#DIO adfp9#NATO adfp9#UN;

      adfp9#_division < #division.administrative_unit,//or < #division.army_unit ?
       > adfp9#IPDIV adfp9#OPSDIV adfp9#RFPDIV;

    > adfp9#_location adfp9#_physical_entity;

      adfp9#_location < #location, 
       > adfp9#ANZUS adfp9#AO adfp9#ASA adfp9#COMAST adfp9#EAA adfp9#FMB 
         adfp9#JFAO adfp9#POE;

       > adfp9#_person;

         adfp9#_person < #person,
          > adfp9#_commander adfp9#_director adfp9#_head adfp9#_officer adfp9#ASLEG
            adfp9#DA adfp9#DEPSEC_S&I adfp9#MINDEF adfp9#SG adfp9#UNSG adfp9#VCDF;

            adfp9#_commander < #commander,
             > adfp9#CDF adfp9#CFC adfp9#CINCPAC adfp9#JFC adfp9#UNFC;

            adfp9#_director < #director,
             > adfp9#DDIO adfp9#DGDFLS adfp9#DGIO adfp9#DGJOP adfp9#DGMS adfp9#DGPI
               adfp9#DGSC adfp9#DJLOP adfp9#DJOPS adfp9#DJP;

             > adfp9#HIP adfp9#HRFP adfp9#HDPE adfp9#HOM adfp9#HSCD adfp9#HSPP;

            adfp9#_officer < #military_officer,
             > adfp9#DFLO adfp9#LO adfp9#SHO;

2.  Types from the glossary of ADFP 9

When the closest WordNet generalization of a type has already been specified via the above classification, the link is commented out below (see the "//") in order to prevent warning messages from WebKB-2. The alphabetic order of the glossary has been kept.

adfp9#administration (^The management and execution of all military matters not included in tactics and strategy, primarily in the field of logistics and personnel management.^)
  < #administration;

adfp9#adminord__administrative_order (^An order covering traffic, supply, maintenance, evacuation, personnel and other administrative details.^)
  < #decree;

adfp9#assigned_forces (^Forces-in-being which have been placed under the operational command or operational control of a commander.^);
//< #task_force;

adfp9#battlespace (^The battlespace includes all aspects of the environment that are encompassed by the area of influence and the area of interest. This includes the operational environment (oceanic, continental, littoral and electronic) and those relevant aspects of society, politics, culture, religion and economy.^);
//< #system;

adfp9#campaign (^A controlled series of simultaneous or sequential operations designed to achieve an operational commander's objective, normally within a given time or space.^)
  < #military_campaign;

adfp9#campaign_planning (^Campaign planning integrates both deliberate and immediate planning processes and seeks to orchestrate the ways for tactical means to achieve strategic ends.^);
//< #planning;

adfp9#COG__centre_of_gravity (^That characteristic, capability or locality from which a military force, nation or alliance derives its freedom of action, strength or will to fight at that level of conflict. The centre of gravity at each level of conflict may consist of a number of key elements.^);
//< pm#thing_needed_for_some_process;  //could not find anything for this one in WordNet

adfp9#coalition_operation (^An operation conducted by forces of two or more nations, which may not be allies, acting together for the accomplishment of a single mission.^);
//< #operation;

    adfp9#combined_operation (^An operation conducted by forces of two or more allied nations acting together for the accomplishment of a single mission.^)
     < adfp9#coalition_operation;

adfp9#CCIR__commander's_critical_information_requirements (^The critical information that the commander needs to make a decision. Commanders Critical Information Requirements (CCIR) will normally be identified during the war gaming process and they relate to decision points, target area of interest and named area of interest. Timely answers to CCIR assist the commander to enter the decision cycle ahead of the adversary commander, thus improving the probability of gaining or retaining the initiative.^)
  < #data;

adfp9#commander's_intent (^A formal statement, usually in the concept of operations or general outline of orders, given to provide clear direction of the commander s intentions.^);
//< #statement;

adfp9#concept_of_operations (^A clear and concise statement of the line of action chosen by a commander in order to accomplish the mission.^);
//< #statement;

adfp9#contingency_plan (^A plan for contingencies which can reasonably be anticipated in an area of responsibility.^);
//< #plan;

adfp9#counterintelligence (^That aspect of intelligence devoted to identifying, assessing and counteracting the threats to security posed by hostile intelligence activities and organisations or individuals engaged in covert activity such as espionage, sabotage, subversion or terrorism.^)
  < #counterintelligence;

adfp9#CV__critical_vulnerabilities (^A characteristic or key element of a force that if destroyed, captured or neutralised will significantly undermine the fighting capability of the force and its centre of gravity. A critical vulnerability is not necessarily a weakness but any source of strength or power that is capable of being attacked or neutralised. A successful attack on a critical vulnerability should aim to achieve a decisive point in an operation or campaign. A force may have a number of critical vulnerabilities.^)
  < #vulnerability;

adfp9#culminating_point (^A culminating point is the point in time and location where a force will no longer be stronger than the enemy and risk losing the initiative. This may be due to reduced combat power, attrition, logistics, dwindling national will or other factors. To be successful, the operations must achieve its objectives before reaching its culminating point.^);
//< #degree.state;  //or pm#entity_playing_some_role if an entity, not a state, is really required

adfp9#DPT__decision_point (^Decision points (DPT) are points in time and space at which a commander must make a decision in order to influence the operation in a particular target area of interest (TAI). DPTs must be offset from the point where the action has to take place, in order to allow sufficient lead-time for action to be initiated.^);
//< #degree.state;  //or pm#entity_playing_some_role if an entity, not a state, is really required

adfp9#DSO__decision_support_overlay (^A graphic and tabulated display depicting named area of interest (NAI), TAIs and DPTs associated with the plan. It also displays, in tabulated format, the proposed synchronising of friendly combat power.^)
  < #display.representation;

adfp9#decisive_points (^A major event that is a precondition to the successful disruption or negation of a centre of gravity of either combatant. A decisive point is created normally by successfully attacking or neutralising a critical vulnerability. Operational level planning aims to exploit an enemy s critical vulnerabilities in a sequence or matrix of decisive points known as lines of operation.^)
  < #event;

adfp9#deliberate_planning (^The start of a process for the development of considered military strategic guidance for the employment of the Australian Defence Force (ADF), to achieve an end-state, in support of Government national strategy. The process is generally free of time constraints. It relies on a mix of assumption-based planning against current strategic guidance and future analysis to account for possible future strategic environments.^);
//< #planning;

adfp9#directive (^Either: a. a military communication in which policy is established or a specific action is ordered; b. a plan issued with a view to putting it into effect when so directed, or in the event that a stated contingency arises; or c. broadly speaking, any communication which initiates or governs action, conduct or procedure.^);
//< adfp9#_order

adfp9#directive_control (^A philosophy of command and a system for conducting operations in which subordinates are given clear direction by the superior on their intentions that is the result required, a task, the resources and any constraints. It includes the freedom to decide how to achieve the required result.^)
  < #method;

adfp9#direct_support (^The support provided by a unit not attached or under command of the supporting unit or formation, but required to give priority to the support required by that unit or formation.^)
  < #support;

adfp9#end-state (^End-state is identified at the national and military levels as follows: a. the national end-state is the set of desired conditions, incorporating the elements of national power that will achieve the national objectives; b. the military end-state is the set of desired conditions beyond which the use of military force is no longer required to achieve national objectives.^)
  < #state;

adfp9#EA__engagement_area (^A target area of interest, where action has been planned to reduce the effect of an adversary s combat power.^);
//< #area.topic;

adfp9#essential_elements_of_friendly_information (^Those elements of friendly information which, if known by an adversary, would compromise friendly plans or operations through indicators of dispositions, capabilities and intentions.^)
  < #info;

adfp9#high_value_target (^High value target are those assets, which are likely to be required for the completion of the enemy commander s mission.^);
//< #area.topic;

adfp9#immediate_planning (^The time-sensitive planning for the employment of assigned forces and resources that occurs in response to a developing situation that may result in military operations. This planning is informed by the products of deliberate planning, with assumptions and projections replaced with facts as the situation unfolds.^);
//< #planning;

adfp9#IO__information_operation (^Actions taken to defend and enhance one's own information and information systems and to affect adversary information, including the information itself.^);  //'s' (at end) removed
//< #operation;

adfp9#J__joint (^Connotes activities, operations, organisations, etc in which elements of more than one Service of the same nation participate (when all Services are not involved, the participating Services shall be identified, eg Joint Army Navy).^);
//< adfp9#_operation #adfp9#_thing;

adfp9#joint_exercise (^A joint exercise is an exercise, which is planned and conducted by elements of two or more Australian Services.^)
  < #exercise adfp9#J;

adfp9#JF__joint_force (^A general term applied to a force which is composed of significant elements of Navy, Army and Air Force, or two or more of these Services, operating under a single commander who is in turn directly responsible to the Chief of the Defence Force.^)
  < adfp9#J; //< #task_force;

adfp9#JIPB__joint_intelligence_preparation_of_the_battlespace__Joint_Intelligence_Preparation_of_the_Battlefield (^Joint intelligence preparation of the battlespace (JIPB) is a systematic, dynamic process for analysing the threat and the environment, considered in the dimensions of space and time. It is designed to support staff planning and prepare the foundations for informed military decision making. JIPB is a processing medium with which intelligence staff provide an assessment of environmental effects on operations and an estimate of adversary capability and intent.^)
  < adfp9#J; //< #planning;

adfp9#lines_of_operation (^Lines of operation describe how military force is applied in time and space through decisive points on the path to the enemy s centre of gravity.^);
//< #plan;

adfp9#mandate (^The terms of a United Nations Security Council or United Nations General Assembly authorisation.^)
  < #mandate;

adfp9#MSO__military_support_operation (^The use of military forces for purposes other than combat operations usually associated with war.^);
//< #operation; //the 's' at the end of "military support operations" has been dropped

adfp9#NAI__named_area_of_interest (^A NAI is an aspect which will confirm or deny enemy intentions. It serves to focus attention on areas where the enemy must appear for a particular course of action. NAIs provide an objective basis for the employment of intelligence gathering assets.^);
//< #area.topic;

adfp9#national_contingent (^National forces of one or more Services including civilian personnel, under the command of a single national commander, which are committed to United Nations or other internationally organised operations.^);
//< #task_force;

adfp9#notice_to_execute__notice_to_executive (^"notice_to_executive (x)" is: 1. a term used at the strategic level to advise the time from the issue of an authorisation to deploy outside Australia to when allocated ADF elements can be expected to conduct operations at (x), a specified geographic location. Notice to Execute (x) is used for: a. strategic planning to advise Government when the ADF can be expected to commence operations; and b. to provide strategic guidance for Commander Australian Theatre to make the necessary operational preparations. c. If an operation involves more than one task, a specific Notice to Execute may be directed for each task. Notice to Execute (x) will be based on the prevailing strategic objectives, and may be adjusted as a contingency develops. Notice to Execute is not used at the operational or tactical levels.^);
//< adfp9#_order;

adfp9#observer_mission (^A group of military and/or civilian personnel with supporting elements established by a United Nations mandate to supervise and/or observe and report on the observance of a truce or other agreement.^);
//< #task_force;

adfp9#operation (^A military action or the carrying out of a strategic, tactical, Service, training or administrative military mission; the process of carrying on combat, including movement, supply, attack, defence and manoeuvres needed to gain the objectives of any battle or campaign.^);
//< #operation;

adfp9#OPCOMD__operational_command (^This is the highest degree of authority which can be assigned to the commander of a joint force operation and is usually retained for the duration of the operation or campaign. It would be normal for the national military strategic authority to place assigned forces under operational command of a national commander who will then have the requisite authority to assign, deploy or reassign forces. For ADF operations, operational command may be delegated to a subordinate commander and will normally include responsibility for administration and logistics.^);
//< #command.status;

adfp9#OPCON__operational_control (^This degree of command gives a nominated commander the authority to direct forces assigned to achieve a specific mission within agreed limitations, usually related to function, time or location. The commander may delegate operational and tactical control to another commander but does not have the authority to assign separate employment to components of the formation or units concerned. It does not include responsibility for administration or logistics.^);
//< #command.status;

adfp9#OPINST__operational_instruction (^An operation instruction indicates the commander s intention and possibly the overall plan but leaves the detailed course of action to the subordinate commander.^);
//< #plan;

adfp9#operational_level_of_conflict (^The operational level of conflict is concerned with the planning and conduct of campaigns. It is at this level that military strategy is implemented by assigning missions, tasks and resources to tactical operations.^);
//< #plan; //or #service or #people or something else

adfp9#operational_objective (^These are the objectives that need to be achieved in the campaign to reach the military strategic end-state. Correct assessment of operational objectives is crucial to success at the operational level.^)
  < #objective; //the 's' at the end of "operational_objectives" has been dropped

adfp9#OPORD__operation_order (^A directive, usually formal, issued by a commander to subordinate commanders for the purpose of effecting the coordinated execution of an operation.^);
//< adfp9#_order

adfp9#OPPLAN__operation_plan (^A plan for a single or series of connected operations to be carried out simultaneously or in succession. It is usually based upon stated assumptions and is the form of directive employed by higher authority to permit subordinate commanders to prepare supporting plans and orders. The designation plan is usually used instead of 'order' in preparing for operations well in advance. An operation plan may be put into effect at a prescribed time, or on signal, and then becomes the operation order.^);
//< #plan;

adfp9#peace_operation (^Peace operations encompass all types of operations designed to assist a diplomatic peace process.^);
//< #operation; //the 's' at the end of "peace_operations" has been dropped

    adfp9#peace_enforcement (^Peace enforcement is the coercive use of civil and military sanctions and collective security actions by legitimate, international intervention forces, to assist diplomatic efforts to restore peace between belligerents, at least one of whom does not consent to that intervention.^)
      < #enforcement adfp9#peace_operation;

    adfp9#peacekeeping (^Peacekeeping is a non-coercive instrument of diplomacy where a legitimate force, which may comprise civil and military elements, is employed with the consent of the belligerent parties in an impartial, non-combatant manner, to implement conflict resolution arrangements or assist humanitarian aid operations.^)
      < adfp9#peace_operation;

    adfp9#peacemaking (^Peacemaking is diplomatic action to bring hostile parties to a negotiated agreement through such peaceful means as those foreseen under chapter VI of the UN Charter.^)
      < adfp9#peace_operation;

adfp9#supporting_plan (^A plan, complementing the main plan, which provides detailed information concerning specialised and discrete aspects of an operation. Supporting plans may cover areas such as communications, electronic warfare, movement, administration, public information, intelligence collection, etc. Subordinate formation or unit plans may also be incorporated as supporting plans.^);
//< #plan;

adfp9#TACOMD__tactical_command (^This degree of command allows a commander to assign tasks to forces under his command for the accomplishment of the mission assigned by higher authority. The commander may delegate tactical control of the asset.^);
//< #command.status;

adfp9#TACON__tactical_control (^A force assigned to a commander under tactical control allows local direction and control of movements or manoeuvres necessary to accomplished missions or tasks as directed by the assigning higher commander.^);
//< #degree.state;

adfp9#TAI__target_area_of_interest (^A TAI is an area where a commander can influence the battle by destroying, delaying or disrupting the enemy.^);
//< #area.topic;

adfp9#WNGO__warning_order (^A preliminary notice of an order or action which is to follow.^);
//< adfp9#_order;

3.  Types from the acronyms of ADFP 9

Both the acronyms and their extended forms have been represented as category names. The alternative, storing the extended form in the category annotation, would have been less precise and would not have provided less possibilities for search of categories via regular expressions on their names.

adfp9#ABCA__American_British_Canadian_and_Australian_armies < adfp9#mil;
adfp9#ACAMS__ANZUS_Crisis_Action_Management_System; //< #system;
adfp9#ACP__Australian_Contingency_Plan < adfp9#contingency_plan;
adfp9#ADF__Australian_Defence_Force < adfp9#mil;
adfp9#ADFCC__Australian_Defence_Force_Command_Centre; //< adfp9#_center;
adfp9#ADFCPMG__Australian_Defence_Force_Collection_Planning_Management_Group; //< adfp9#_department;
adfp9#ADHQ__Australian_Defence_Headquarters; //< adfp9#_department or adfp9#_location;
adfp9#admininst__administrative_instruction; //< adfp9#_order;
//adfp9#adminord__administrative_order; //< adfp9#_order;
adfp9#A-G__Attorney-General_s_Department < #department;
adfp9#ALERTO__alert_order; //< adfp9#_order;
adfp9#AME__aeromedical_evacuation; //< adfp9#_process;
adfp9#AMPD__ANZUS_Military_Policy_Document; //< adfp9#_statement;
adfp9#ANZCP__Australia_New_Zealand_Combined_Plan; //< adfp9#_plan;
adfp9#ANZUS__Australia_New_Zealand_United_States; //< adfp9#_location;
adfp9#AO__area_of_operations; //< adfp9#_location;
adfp9#AOP__Australian_Defence_Force_Operational_Plan; //< adfp9#_plan;
adfp9#APM__ANZUS_Planning_Manual; //< adfp9#_statement;
adfp9#AS__Australia = #Australia;
adfp9#ASA__Australian_Support_Area; //< adfp9#_location;
adfp9#ASC__Australian_Contingent (^used in a United Nations context^); //< adfp9#_task_force;
adfp9#ASCC__Air_Standardisation_Coordinating_Committee; //< adfp9#_committee;
adfp9#ASCRP__Australian_Contingent_Reconnaissance_Party; //< adfp9#_committee;
adfp9#ASLEG__Assistant_Secretary_Legal (^Department of Defence^); //< adfp9#_person;
adfp9#ASP__Australian_Strategic_Plan; //< adfp9#_plan;
adfp9#ASSPP__Assistant_Secretary_Strategic_Policy_Planning (^Department of Defence^); //< adfp9#_planning;
adfp9#AUSMIMPS__Australian_Standard_Materiel_Issue_and_Movement_Priority_System; //< adfp9#_system;

adfp9#C2__command_and_control; //< adfp9#_command;
adfp9#CABSUB__Cabinet_Submission; //< adfp9#_statement;
//adfp9#CCIR__Commanders_Critical_Information_Requirements; //< #data;
adfp9#C3__command_control_and_communications; //< adfp9#_command;
adfp9#CDF__Chief_of_the_Defence_Force; //< adfp9#_commander;
adfp9#CEOI__Communications_Electronic_Operating_Instructions; //< adfp9#_department;
adfp9#CFC__combined_forces_commander; //< adfp9#_commander;
adfp9#CFHQ__combined_force_headquarters; //< adfp9#_headquarters;
adfp9#CINCPAC__Commander-in-Chief_Pacific; //< adfp9#_commander;
adfp9#COMAST__Commander_Australian_Theatre; //< adfp9#_location; ????
adfp9#COMASC__Commander_Australian_Contingent (^used in a United Nations context^); //< adfp9#_task_force;
adfp9#COMASCRP__Commander_Australian_Contingent_Reconnaissance_Party; //< adfp9#_task_force;
adfp9#COMNORCOM__Commander_Northern_Command; //< adfp9#_command;
adfp9#COSC__Chiefs_of_Staff_Committee; //< adfp9#_committee;
adfp9#COMDSF__Commander_Special_Forces; //< adfp9#_task_force;
adfp9#CPG__commander's_planning_group; //< adfp9#_committee;

adfp9#DA__Defence_Attache/Defence_Adviser; //< adfp9#_person;
adfp9#DDIO__Director_Defence_Intelligence_Organisation; //< adfp9#_director;
adfp9#DEFCOMNET__Defence_Communications_Network < #network.system; //< adfp9#_system;
adfp9#DEPSEC_S&I__Deputy_Secretary_Strategic_and_Intelligence; //< adfp9#_person;
adfp9#DFAT__Department_of_Foreign_Affairs_and_Trade; //< dfp9#_department;
adfp9#DFLO__Defence_Force_liaison_officer; //< adfp9#_officer;
adfp9#DGDFLS__Director-General_Defence_Force_Legal_Services; //< adfp9#_person;
adfp9#DGIO__Director-General_Intelligence_Operations; //< adfp9#_person;
adfp9#DGJOP__Director-General_Joint_Operations_and_Plans; //< adfp9#_director;
adfp9#DGMS__Director-General_Military_Strategy; //< adfp9#_director;
adfp9#DGPI__Director-General_Public_Information; //< adfp9#_director;
adfp9#DGSC__Director-General_Service_Conditions; //< adfp9#_director;
adfp9#DIO__Defence-Intelligence_Organisation; //< adfp9#_organization;
adfp9#DJLOP__Director_Joint_Logistics_Operations_and_Plans; //< adfp9#_director;
adfp9#DJOPS__Director_Joint_Operations; //< adfp9#_director;
adfp9#DJP__Director_Joint_Plans; //< adfp9#_director;
//adfp9#DPT__decision_point; //< #degree.state;
adfp9#DOD__Department_of_Defence; //< adfp9#_department;
//adfp9#DSO__decision_support_overlay; //< #display.representation_container;
adfp9#DSD__Defence_Signals_Directorate; //< adfp9#_committee;

//adfp9#EA__engagement_areas; //< adfp9#_target;
adfp9#EAA__evacuee_assembly_area; //< adfp9#_location;
adfp9#EHC__evacuee_handling_centre; //< adfp9#_centre;
adfp9#EMA__Emergency_Management_Australia; //< adfp9#_process or adfp9#_statement ???
adfp9#EW__electronic_warfare < #war.military_action; //< adfp9#_process;
adfp9#EXECUTEO__execute_order; //< adfp9#_order;

adfp9#FEG__force_element_group; //< adfp9#_task_force;
adfp9#FMB__forward_mounting_base; //< adfp9#_location; is it so?????????????????
adfp9#FPDA__Five_Power_Defence_Arrangements; //< adfp9#_statement; ????????

adfp9#HIP__Head_of_International_Policy_Division; //< adfp9#_head;
adfp9#HRFP__Head_Resource_and_Financial_Programs; //< adfp9#_head;
adfp9#HDPE__Head_Defence_Personnel_Executive; //< adfp9#_head;
adfp9#HOM__Head_of_Mission; //< adfp9#_head;
adfp9#HQ1JMOVGP__Headquarters_1_Joint_Movements_Group; //< adfp9#_headquarters;
adfp9#HQASC__Headquarters_Australian_Contingent; //< adfp9#_headquarters;
adfp9#HSCD__Head_Strategic_Command_Division; //< adfp9#_head;
adfp9#HSPP__Head_Strategic_Policy_and_Plans_Division; //< adfp9#_head;
adfp9#HQNORCOM__Headquarters_Northern_Command; //< adfp9#_headquarters;
adfp9#HQSO__Headquarters_Special_Operations; //< adfp9#_headquarters;

adfp9#IDC__Interdepartmental_Committee; //< adfp9#_committee;
adfp9#IDETF__Interdepartmental_Emergency_Task_Force; //< adfp9#_task_force;
//adfp9#IO__Information_Operation; //< adfp9#_operation;  //'s' (at end) removed
adfp9#IPDIV__International_Policy_Division; //< adfp9#_division;
adfp9#ISP__intelligence_support_plan; //< adfp9#_plan;

//adfp9#J (^when prefixed to an abbreviation generally indicates "joint"^); //< #adfp9#_thing;
adfp9#JEPG__Joint_Exercise_Planning_Group < adfp9#J; //< adfp9#_group;
adfp9#JEWCC__joint_electronic_warfare_coordination_centre < adfp9#J; //< adfp9#_centre;
//adfp9#JF__joint_force; //< adfp9#J adfp9#_task_force
//adfp9#JIPB__Joint_Intelligence_Preparation_of_the_Battlefield; //< adfp9#J adfp9#_planning;
adfp9#JFAO__joint_force_area_of_operations < adfp9#J; //< adfp9#_location
adfp9#JFC__joint_force_commander < adfp9#J; //< adfp9#_commander;  //'s' (at end) removed
adfp9#JFHQ__joint_force_headquarters < adfp9#J; //< adfp9#_headquarters;
adfp9#JHPG__joint_health_planning_group < adfp9#J; //< adfp9#_group;
adfp9#JIS__joint_intelligence_staff < adfp9#J; //< dfp9#_group;
adfp9#JMAP__joint_military_appreciation_process < adfp9#J; //< adfp9#_process;
adfp9#JMCC__joint_movement_coordination_centre < adfp9#J; //< adfp9#_centre;
adfp9#JOC__joint_operations_centre < adfp9#J; //< adfp9#_centre;
adfp9#JSLPC__joint_services_local_planning_committee < adfp9#J; //< adfp9#_committee;

adfp9#LO__liaison_officer; //< adfp9#_officer;
adfp9#LOAC__Law_of_armed_conflict < #law; //< adfp9#_descriptive_element;
adfp9#LofC__lines_of_communication; //< adfp9#_system;  ???

adfp9#MGI__Military_Geographic_Information < #info; //< adfp9#_descriptive_element;
adfp9#mil__military < #military; //< dfp9#_group;
adfp9#MILREPS__ANZUS_military_representatives; //< dfp9#_group;
adfp9#MINDEF__Minister_for_Defence; //< adfp9#_person;
adfp9#MOU__memorandum_of_understanding; //< adfp9#_descriptive_element;
adfp9#MSE__Military_Strategic_Estimate; //< adfp9#_descriptive_element;
//adfp9#MSO__military_support_operation; //< #operation; //'s' (at end) removed
adfp9#MSPG__Military_Strategic_Planning_Guidance; //< adfp9#_descriptive_element;

//adfp9#NAI__named_area_of_interest; //< #area.topic;
adfp9#NATO__North_Atlantic_Treaty_Organisation; //< adfp9#_organization;
adfp9#NATPOL__national_policy; //< adfp9#_descriptive_element;
adfp9#NCA__national_command_authority; //< adfp9#_command; ???
adfp9#NCMM__National_Crisis_Management_Machinery; //< adfp9#_system;
adfp9#NGS__naval_gunfire_support < #support; //< adfp9#_process; ???
adfp9#NSCC__National_Security_Committee_of_Cabinet; //< adfp9#_committee;
adfp9#NTM__notice_to_move; //< adfp9#_order;

adfp9#ONA__Office_of_National_Assessments; //< adfp9#_centre;
//adfp9#OPCOMD__operational_command; //< #command.status;
//adfp9#OPCON__operational_control; //< #command.status;
adfp9#opconcepts__operational_concepts; //< adfp9#_group;
adfp9#OPSDIV__Operations_Division; //< adfp9#_division;
//adfp9#OPINST__operation_instruction; //< #plan;
//adfp9#OPORD__operation_order; //< adfp9#_order;
//adfp9#OPPLAN__operation_plan; //< #plan;
adfp9#ORBAT__order_of_battle; //< adfp9#_order; ????????????

adfp9#PI__public_information < #info; //< adfp9#_descriptive_element;
adfp9#PM&C__Department_of_Prime_Minister_and_Cabinet; //< adfp9#_department;
adfp9#POE__point_of_entry; //< adfp9#_location;
adfp9#PR__public_relations; //< adfp9#_department; ??

adfp9#RFPDIV__Resources_and_Financial_Programs_Division; //< adfp9#_division;
adfp9#ROE__rules_of_engagement; //< adfp9#_descriptive_element;

adfp9#SAE__Services_assisted_evacuation; //< adfp9#_process;
adfp9#SASR__Special_Air_Service_Regiment; //< adfp9#_task_force;
adfp9#SCG__Strategic_Command_Group; //< adfp9#_group;
adfp9#SCNS__Secretaries_Committee_on_National_Security; //< adfp9#_committee;
adfp9#SF__special_forces; //< adfp9#_task_force;
adfp9#SG__Secretary_General (^United_Nations^); //< adfp9#_person;
adfp9#SHO__senior_health_officer; //< adfp9#_officer;
adfp9#SIPG__Strategic_Intelligence_Planning_Group; //< adfp9#_group;
adfp9#SLPG__Strategic_Logistics_Planning_Group; //< adfp9#_group;
adfp9#SME__Strategic_Military_Estimate; //< adfp9#_descriptive_element;
adfp9#SOFA__status_of_forces_agreement; //< adfp9#_descriptive_element;
adfp9#SPG__Strategic_Planning_Group; //< adfp9#_group;
adfp9#SOP__standing_operating_procedures; //< adfp9#_descriptive_element;
adfp9#SPCG__Strategic_Policy_Coordination_Group; //< adfp9#_group;
adfp9#SPE__Services_protected_evacuation; //< adfp9#_process;
adfp9#STRAPP__Strategic_Planning_Process; //< adfp9#_planning;
adfp9#SWG__Strategic_Watch_Group; //< adfp9#_group;

//adfp9#TACOMD__tactical_command; //< adfp9#_command_status;
//adfp9#TACON__tactical_control; //< #degree.state;
//adfp9#TAI__target_area_of_interest; //< #area.topic;
adfp9#TLPG__Theatre_Logistics_Planning_Group; //< adfp9#_group;
adfp9#TIPG__Theatre_Intelligence_Planning_Group; //< adfp9#_group;
adfp9#TPG__Theatre_Planning_Group; //< adfp9#_group;

adfp9#UN__United_Nations; //< adfp9#_organization;
adfp9#UNF__United_Nations_Force; //< adfp9#_task_force;
adfp9#UNFC__United_Nations_Force_Commander; //< adfp9#_commander;
adfp9#UNFCE__United_Nations_Force_Communications_Element; //< adfp9#_thing;
adfp9#UNFOS__United_Nations_Field_Operations_Service; //< adfp9#_group;
adfp9#UNHCR__United_Nations_High_Commission_for_Refugees; //< adfp9#_group;
adfp9#UNHQ__United_Nations_Headquarters; //< adfp9#_headquarters;
adfp9#UNMOG__United_Nations_Military_Observer_Group; //< adfp9#_group;
adfp9#UNSC__United_Nations_Security_Council; //< adfp9#_group;
adfp9#UNSG__United_Nations_Secretary_General; //< adfp9#_person;

adfp9#VCDF__Vice_Chief_of_the_Defence_Force; //< adfp9#_person;

//adfp9#WNGO__warning_order; //< adfp9#_order;

4.  Some relationships

The following dataflow of the "deliberate planning process" has been extracted from an article by Zhang, Falzon, Davies and Fuss (DSTO): On Relationships between Key Concepts of Operational Level Planning. See this article for details and rationales.

user zhang ;
  //This command specifies that the next commands are done in the name of
  //the user zhang. If this user does not exist, this command first
  //creates the user identifier zhang and associates the given URI to it
  //(plus a password if it is given as third parameter).
  //If this user already exists, the URI and password must match the existing
  //URI and password (if the user has no password, no password must be given).

adfp9#_process > zhang#mission_analysis (zhang) zhang#COA_development (zhang)
                 zhang#COA_analysis (zhang) zhang#decision (zhang);

adfp9#COA > zhang#threat_COA (zhang) zhang#own_COA (zhang);
adfp9#CV > zhang#threat_CV (zhang) zhang#own_CV (zhang);

[a adfp9#deliberate_planning,
     part: {some zhang#mission_analysis, some zhang#COA_development,
            some zhang#COA_analysis, some zhang#decision} ];

  [a zhang#mission_analysis,
       input: {some adfp9#strategic_objective, some zhang#threat_COA},
       output: {some zhang#own_COA, some zhang#own_CV} ];

  [a zhang#COA_development, //synthesis stage
       input: {some zhang#own_COA, some zhang#own_CV},
       output: (some zhang#own_COA, part: {some adfp9#OPPLAN,
                                           some adfp9#lines_of_operation}) ];

  [a zhang#COA_analysis,  //evaluation stage
       input: several zhang#own_COA, output: several zhang#own_COA ];

  [a zhang#decision,  //selection stage
       input: several zhang#own_COA, output: a zhang#own_COA ];

The following query tells WebKB-2 to display all the subtypes of adfp9#thing (i.e. all the previous types) when this file is loaded in WebKB-2.

? - > adfp9#_thing;