Second test file for Formalised English

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print 'Declaration of concept types'; Minivan is subtype of Van and subtype of passenger_vehicle. Vehicle has for partition {{Motorized_vehicle, Unmotorized_vehicle}}. Age has for domain Person, for range Integer and for supertype PhysChrc. print "Declaration of individuals"; The smoker named Joe. Joe the smoker. Joe is a smoker. Joe is a smoker and is a driver. Joe has for type Smoker and for type Driver. The smoker print "Simple sentences"; There is a liking which has for agent Mary, for object Mary and for object the cat that has for name "Tom". Mary is liking Tom and is liking the cat named Tom. A person *p is the creator of the home_page *p has for name "Ora Lassila". There is a cat *c that is different_from Tom and that is on a mat. A cat *c!=Tom is on a mat. print "Contexts"; Tom is believer of ` *s `Mary is liking Tom' at time 1999' and is believer of `~*s is before 1999'. `Tom is on a mat' has for exclusion `Tom is on the floor'. `Tom is on a mat' or `Tom is on the floor'. print "Collections"; A resolution has for approver *g the group of *e {Fred,Wilma,a man}. A resolution has for approver a group that has for member Fred, for member Wilma and for member a man. Together *c {Fred,Wilma,a man} is approver of a resolution. The persons {Fred, Wilma, a man} are approver of a resolution. *e is approver of a resolution. //reference to *e in previous example {Fred, Wilma, a person} are approvers of a resolution. {`Tom is on a mat' | `Tom is on the floor'}. The files "*" have for author Foo. Most of the resolutions *r have for approver at least 3 persons {Fred,*}. Tom is agent of a run with duration 14 to 15 minutes. Tom is agent of a run with duration between 14 and 15 minutes. Tom is agent of a run with time from 14 to 15 hour__time_of_day. A cat is "between" {a mouse *m, [a den that has for owner *m]}. print "Collections and types"; Every [person that is in *o] is approver of a resolution. At least 2 % of persons are liking most of cats. Vehicle has for partition {{Motorized_vehicle, Unmotorized_vehicle}}. {Tom, Bianca, Yojo} have for type Smoker. Any characteristic can be chrc of a thing. print "Second-order statements"; `a relationType *rt has for chrc transitive' => ` `a thing *x has for *rt a thing *y that has for *r a thing *z' => `*y has for *r *z' '.

Dr. Philippe A. MARTIN