#susceptibility__susceptibleness__susceptiblenes  the state of being susceptible; easily affected
  exclusion:  #unsusceptibility
  supertype:  #condition.state__status  a condition or state at a particular time: "a condition (or state) of disrepair"; "the current status of the arms negotiations"
  subtype:  #liability.state  the state of being legally obliged and responsible
     subtype:  #taxability  liability to taxation
  subtype:  #sensitivity.susceptibility__predisposition  susceptibility to a pathogen
     subtype:  #habitus__habitu  person's predisposition to be affected by something (as a disease); "the consumptive habitus"
     subtype:  #sensitization__sensitisation  the state of being sensitive (as to an antigen)
     subtype:  #hypersensitivity.sensitivity  pathological sensitivity
        subtype:  #cryesthesia  hypersensitivity to cold
        subtype:  #hypersensitivity_reaction  an inappropriate and excessive reaction to an allergen (as pollen or dust or animal hair or certain foods); severity ranges from mild allergy to severe systemic reactions leading to anaphylactic shock
           subtype:  #urtication__urticaria__hives__nettle_rash  an itchy skin eruption characterized by weals with pale interiors and well-defined red margins; usually the result of an allergic response to insect bites or food or drugs
           subtype:  #allergy__allergic_reaction  hypersensitivity reaction to a particular allergen; symptoms can vary greatly in intensity
              subtype:  #food_allergy  allergic reaction to a substance ingested in food
              subtype:  #immediate_allergy__immediateallergy__atopy__atopicallergy__typeiallergicreaction  an allergic reaction that becomes apparent in a sensitized person only minutes after contact
              subtype:  #serum_sickness__serum_disease  a delayed allergic reaction to the injection of an antiserum caused by an antibody reaction to an antigen in the donor serum
              subtype:  #delayed_allergy__type_IV_allergic_reaction  an allergic reaction that becomes apparent only hours after contact
           subtype:  #anaphylaxis__anaphylaxi  hypersensitivity reaction to the ingestion or injection of a substance (a protein or drug) resulting from prior contact with a substance
              subtype:  #anaphylactic_shock  a severe and rapid and sometimes fatal hypersensitivity reaction to a substance (especially a vaccine or penicillin or shellfish or insect venom) to which the organism has become sensitized by previous exposure
           subtype:  #allergic_rhinitis  rhinitis caused by an allergic reaction
              subtype:  #hay_fever__hayfever__pollinosis  a seasonal rhinitis resulting from an allergic reaction to pollen
     subtype:  #diathesis__diathesi  constitutional predisposition to a particular disease or abnormality
  subtype:  #reactivity  ready susceptibility to chemical change
  subtype:  #suggestibility  susceptibility or responsiveness to suggestion

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