Individual #social_science  the branch of science that studies society and the relationships of individual within a society
  instance of:  #scientific_discipline
  >part:  #civics  the social science of municipal affairs
  >part:  #anthropology  the social science that studies the origins and social relationships of human beings
     >part:  #archeology__archaeology  the branch of anthropology that studies prehistoric people and their cultures
        >part:  #paleontology__palaeontology__fossilology  the branch of archeology that studies fossil organisms and related remains
           >part:  #paleobiology__palaeobiology  a branch of paleontology that deals with the origin and growth and structure of fossil animals and plants as living organisms
              >part:  #paleobotany__palaeobotany  the study of fossil plants
                 >part:  #paleodendrology__palaeodendrology  the branch of paleobotany that studies fossil trees
              >part:  #paleozoology__palaeozoology  the study of fossil animals
                 >part:  #paleomammalogy  the paleobiology of ancient mammals
                 >part:  #paleornithology__palaeornithology  the paleobiology of birds
           >part:  #micropaleontology  the paleontology of microfossils
           >part:  #vertebrate_paleontology  the paleontology of vertebrates
              >part:  #paleoanthropology__palaeoanthropology__human_paleontology__humanpaleontology__human_palaeontology__humanpalaeontology  the scientific study of human fossils
        >part:  #Assyriology  archeology of the ancient Assyrians
        >part:  #Egyptology  archeology of ancient Egyptian artifacts
        >part:  #Sumerology  the archeology of ancient Sumerians
        >part:  #marine_archeology__marine_archaeology__underwater_archeology__underwater_archaeology  the archeology of underwater sites
        >part:  #paleoclimatology__palaeoclimatology  the study of the climate of past ages
        >part:  #paleogeography__palaeogeography  the study of the geography of ancient times or ancient epochs
        >part:  #paleography  the study of ancient forms of writing (and the deciphering of them)
           >part:  #epigraphy  the study of ancient inscriptions
        >part:  #paleopathology__palaeopathology  the study of disease of former times (as inferred from fossil evidence)
        >part:  #paletiology__palaetiology  the explanation of past events in terms of scientific causes (as geological causes)
        >part:  #paleology__palaeology  the study of (especially prehistoric) antiquities
        >part:  #protohistory__protoanthropology  the study humans prior to the invention of writing
           >part:  #protoarcheology__protoarchaeology  the study of prehistoric human artifacts and human fossils
        >part:  #paleoethnography__palaeoethnography  the ethnography of paleolithic humans
     >part:  #ethnography__descriptive_anthropology__descriptiveanthropology  the branch of anthropology that provides scientific description of individual human societies
     >part:  #ethnology  the branch of anthropology that deals with the division of humankind into races and with their origins and distribution and distinctive characteristics
     >part:  #physical_anthropology  the branch of anthropology dealing with the genesis and variation of human beings
        >part:  #craniometry  the branch of physical anthropology dealing with the study and measurement of dry skulls after removal of its soft parts
     >part:  #social_anthropology__cultural_anthropology  the branch of anthropology that deals with human culture and society
        >part:  #garbology  the study of a society by analyzing its garbage
        >part:  #mythology.social_anthropology  the study of myths
        >part:  #ritualism.social_anthropology  the study of religious or magical rites and ceremonies
  >part:  #political_science__politicalscience__politics__government  the study of government of states and other political units
     >part:  #geopolitics__geopolitic  the study of the effects of economic geography on the powers of the state
     >part:  #realpolitik__practicalpolitic  politics based on practical rather than moral or ideological considerations
  >part:  #home_economics__domestic_science__household_arts  theory and practice of homemaking
  >part:  #economics__economic__economic_science__political_economy__politicaleconomy  the branch of social science that deals with the production and distribution and consumption of goods and services and their management
     >part:  #econometrics  the application of mathematics and statistics to the study of economic and financial data
     >part:  #finance.economics  the branch of economics that studies the management of money and other assets
     >part:  #macroeconomics  the branch of economics that studies the overall working of a national economy
     >part:  #microeconomics  the branch of economics that studies the economy of consumers or households or individual firms
     >part:  #supply-side_economics  the school of economic theory that stresses the costs of production as a means of stimulating the economy; advocates policies that raise capital and labor output by increasing the incentive to produce
  >part:  #proxemics__proxemic  the study of spatial distances between individuals in different cultures and situations
  >part:  #sociology  the study and classification of human societies
     >part:  #criminology  the scientific study of crime and criminal behavior and law enforcement
        >part:  #penology__poenology  the branch of criminology concerned with prison management and prisoner rehabilitation
     >part:  #demography__human_ecology__humanecology  the branch of sociology that studies the characteristics of human populations
     >part:  #psephology  the branch of sociology that studies election trends (as by opinion polls)
     >part:  #sociometry  the quantitative study of social relationships

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