#frivolousness__frivolousnes  the trait of being frivolous; not serious or sensible
  exclusion:  #serious-mindedness
  supertype:  #trait  a distinguishing feature of one's personal nature
  subtype:  #giddiness__giddines__sillines  an impulsive scatterbrained manner
     subtype:  #lightsomeness__lightsomenes  the trait of being lighthearted and frivolous
  subtype:  #levity  lightness of manner
     subtype:  #flippancy__light-mindedness  inappropriate levity
     subtype:  #jocoseness__jocosity__merriness__merrines__humorousnes  the trait of merry joking
  subtype:  #playfulness__playfulnes  a disposition to find (or make) causes for amusement; "her playfulness surprised me"; "he was fun to be with"
     subtype:  #facetiousness__facetiousnes  playful humor
     subtype:  #impertinence__perkiness__perkines__pertnes__sauciness__saucines__archnes  inappropriate playfulness
     subtype:  #friskiness__frolicsomeness__sportiveness  lively high-spirited playfulness
     subtype:  #impishness__mischievousness__puckishness__puckishnes  the trait of behaving like an imp
     subtype:  #sense_of_humor__humor__humour__sense_of_humour  the trait of appreciating (and being able to express) the humorous; "she didn't appreciate my humor;" "you can't survive in the army without a sense of humor"

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