Individual #South_Africa__Republic_of_South_Africa  a republic at the southernmost part of Africa; achieved independence from the United Kingdom in 1910; first European settlers were Dutch (known as Boers)
  instance of:  #African_country
  member:  #South_African
  part of:  #Africa
  part:  #Natal.district__natal  a region of eastern South Africa on the Indian Ocean
     part:  #Tugela_Falls__Tugela  a major waterfall in southern Africa; has more than one leap
  part:  #Pretoria__capital_of_South_Africa__capitalofsouthafrica  city in the Transvaal; the seat of the executive branch of the government of South Africa
  part:  #Cape_Town  port city in southwestern South Africa; the seat of the legislative branch of the government of South Africa
  part:  #Johannesburg  city in the northeastern part of South Africa near Pretoria; commercial center for diamond and gold industries
  part:  #Kimberley  city in central South Africa; center for diamond mining and diamond marketing
  part:  #Durban  a port city in eastern South Africa on the Indian Ocean; resort and industrial center
  part:  #Transvaal  a province of northeast South Africa originally inhabited by Bantu-speaking Africans; colonized by the Boers
     part:  #Witwatersrand__Rand__Reef  a rocky region in the southern Transvaal in northeastern South Africa; contains rich gold deposits and coal and manganese
  part:  #Bloemfontein  the seat of the supreme court
  part:  #Soweto  a large collection of African townships southwest of Johannesburg in South Africa; inhabited solely by Black Africans
  part:  #Kalahari_Desert__Kalahari  a desert in southwestern Africa - largely Botswana
  part:  #Limpopo__Crocodile_River  an African river; flows into the Indian Ocean
  part:  #Orange_River__Orange  a river in South Africa that flows generally westward to the Atlantic Ocean

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