Individual #Minnesota__Gopher_State__North_Star_State__MN  a midwestern state
  instance of:  #American_state
  part of:  #Midwest_USA
  part:  #Voyageurs_National_Park  a national park in Minnesota having ancient rock outcroppings and evergreen forests
  part:  #Bemidji  a town in northern Minnesota
  part:  #Duluth  a city in northeast Minnesota on Lake Superior
  part:  #Hibbing  a town in northeastern Minnesota in the Mesabi Range
  part:  #Mankato  a town in southern Minnesota
  part:  #Minneapolis  largest city in Minnesota; located in southeastern Minnesota on the Mississippi river; one of the Twin Cities
  part:  #Rochester.Minnesota__rochester  a town in southeast Minnesota
  part:  #Saint_Cloud__St._Cloud  a town in central Minnesota on the Mississippi River; granite quarries
  part:  #Saint_Paul__St._Paul__capital_of_Minnesota  capital of the state of Minnesota; located in southeastern Minnesota on the Mississippi river adjacent to Minneapolis; one of the Twin Cities
  part:  #Virginia.Minnesota__virginia  a town in northeastern Minnesota in the heart of the Mesabi Range
  part:  #Mesabi_Range  a range of hills in northeastern Minnesota where rich iron ore deposits were discovered in 1887

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