#Greek_deity  a deity worshipped by the ancient Greeks
  supertype:  #deity__divinity__god  any supernatural being worshipped as controlling some part of the world or some aspect of life or who is the personification of a force
  instance:  #Aeolus  #Aether  #Phoebus_Apollo  #Aphrodite  #Ares  #Eris  #Thanatos  #Nyx  #Artemis  #Boreas  #Ate  #Pallas_Athena  #Chaos  #Demeter  #Dionysus  #Doris  #Erebus  #Eros  #Gaea  #Hebe  #Helios  #Hecate  #Hephaestus  #Hermes  #Hermaphroditus  #Hygeia  #Hera  #Hestia  #Hymen  #Minos  #Ariadne  #Moirai  #Clotho  #Lachesis  #Atropos  #Momus  #Nemesis  #Nereus  #Nike  #Ouranos  #Pan  #Pasiphae  #Pontos  #Poseidon  #Proteus  #Persephone  #Phaethon  #Hades  #Pythia  #Rhadamnathus  #Selene  #Eos  #Triton  #Tyche  #Zephyr  #Zeus
  subtype:  #Grace  (Greek mythology) one of three sisters who were the givers of beauty and charm; a favorite subject for sculptors
     instance:  #Aglaia  #Euphrosyne  #Thalia
  subtype:  #forest_god__satyr  one of a class of woodland deities; attendant on Bacchus; identified with Roman fauns
     instance:  #Silenus
  subtype:  #silenus__silenu  any of the minor woodland deities who were companions of Dionysus (similar to the satyrs)
  subtype:  #Olympic_god__Olympian  a classical Greek god after the overthrow of the Titans
  subtype:  #Muse  in ancient Greek mythology any of 9 daughters of Zeus and Mnemosyne; protector of an art or science
     instance:  #Calliope  #Clio  #Erato  #Euterpe  #Melpomene  #Polyhymnia  #Terpsichore  #Thalia.Muse__thalia  #Urania
  subtype:  #Titan  (Greek mythology) any of the primordial giant gods who ruled the Earth until overthrown by Zeus; the Titans were offspring of Uranus (Heaven) and Gaea (Earth)
     instance:  #Cronus  #Hyperion  #Oceanus  #Cocus  #Crius  #Iapetus  #Atlas  #Epimetheus  #Prometheus
  subtype:  #Titaness  (Greek mythology) any of the primordial giant goddesses who were offspring of Uranus (heaven) and Gaea (earth) in ancient mythology
     instance:  #Thea__Theia  #Rhea  #Themis  #Mnemosyne  #Phoebe  #Tethys

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