Individual #Bangkok__capital_of_Thailand__Krung_Thep  the capital and largest city and chief port of Thailand; a leading city in southeastern Asia; noted for Buddhist architecture
  part of:  #Thailand
  type:  #national_capital  the capital city of a nation
  type:  #port  a place (seaport or airport) where people and merchandise can enter or leave a country

12 statements are about #Bangkok
          pm#from_place: #London,
          pm#to_place: #Bangkok,
          pm#departure_time: 22:15,
          pm#arrival_time: 16:00,
          #day_of_the_week: {any #day_of_the_week}]

          pm#from_place: #Bangkok,
          pm#to_place: #London,
          pm#departure_time: 23:00,
          pm#arrival_time: 05:20,
          #day_of_the_week: {any #day_of_the_week}]

          pm#from_place: #Bangkok,
          pm#to_place: #London,
          pm#departure_time: 00:30,
          pm#arrival_time: 06:50,
          #day_of_the_week: {any #day_of_the_week}]

          pm#from_place: #London,
          pm#to_place: #Bangkok,
          pm#departure_time: 13:05,
          pm#arrival_time: 06:50,
          #day_of_the_week: {any #day_of_the_week}]

          pm#from_place: #Bangkok,
          pm#to_place: #London,
          pm#departure_time: 23:00,
          pm#arrival_time: 05:20,
          #day_of_the_week: {any #day_of_the_week}]

          pm#from_place: #London,
          pm#to_place: #Bangkok,
          pm#departure_time: 22:15,
          pm#arrival_time: 16:00,
          #day_of_the_week: {any #day_of_the_week}]

          pm#from_place: #Bangkok,
          pm#to_place: #London,
          pm#departure_time: 00:30,
          pm#arrival_time: 06:50,
          #day_of_the_week: {any #day_of_the_week}]

          pm#from_place: #Bangkok,
          pm#to_place: #Roma,
          pm#departure_time: 00:50,
          pm#arrival_time: 07:10,
          #day_of_the_week: {the #Monday,the #Wednesday,the #Friday}]

          pm#from_place: #Roma,
          pm#to_place: #Bangkok,
          pm#departure_time: 23:55,
          pm#arrival_time: 15:30,
          #day_of_the_week: {the #Monday,the #Wednesday,the #Friday}]

          pm#from_place: #London,
          pm#to_place: #Bangkok,
          pm#departure_time: 13:05,
          pm#arrival_time: 06:50,
          #day_of_the_week: {any #day_of_the_week}]

          pm#from_place: #Bangkok,
          pm#to_place: #Frankfurt_on_the_Main,
          pm#departure_time: 00:20,
          pm#arrival_time: 07:00,
          #day_of_the_week: {the #Tuesday,the #Thursday,the #Saturday}]

          pm#from_place: #Frankfurt_on_the_Main,
          pm#to_place: #Bangkok,
          pm#departure_time: 23:55,
          pm#arrival_time: 15:50,
          #day_of_the_week: {the #Tuesday,the #Thursday,the #Saturday}]

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