The Petri Net Linear Form (PNLF)
and Activity Diagram Linear Form (ADLF)

Petri Nets and UML Activity Diagrams are related but semantically different languages; see Störrle and Hausmann (2005) for details. This document proposes similar looking textual notations (inspired by the Conceptual Graph Linear Form) for Petri Nets and UML Activity Diagrams.

Indeed, there exist graphical or XML-based notations for these languages but no concise and readable textual notations. For example, the XML-based Petri net standard (PNML) is hardly readable. Graphical forms (i) require a tool to be entered or visualized, (ii) are time-consuming to enter, (iii) need to be transformed into images before exchanging them via email or including them into documents, (iv) take a lot of space on a screen and hence are difficult to compare visually, (v) cannot be handled via text management tools, e.g. their parts cannot be searched and copy/pasted in a text editor or a Web browser.

Google on "Petri Net Linear Form" to find the persons/organizations using PNLF.

Table of Contents

The examples are taken from the book used at

Examples for PNLF

Example 1: German traffic light model

Below, a PNLF representation of the solution of this Example (p.310 of the book) is followed by the image of its modelling with PIPE (the Platform Independent Petri Net Editor). Compare the two representations.

In PNLF, a Petri net in the linear/textual form is composed of one of several statements separated by semi-colons (the last statement ends by a dot). Places are enclosed within parenthesis and transitions within square brackets. Each token is represented by "@". Coreference variables (e.g. *r and *ry below) are used for connecting various occurrences of a same place or transition. Commas are used for separating different branches of the graph.
Given the following graphical form (which is nearly identical to the one given in the book), the textual representation does not seem particularly helpful but you will see in a later document (disclosed Week 8) that the linear form is very helpful to present and comment the graphical representations of these models in the IBM WebSphere Business Integration Workbench. See also the last section of this document.

Also note that PIPE can only permit it user to represent implicit AND/OR splits, not explicit AND/OR splits. The page 59 of the book shows the mapping between the two forms (and page 56 explains why using an implicit OR split is sometimes adequate when using an explicit OR split is not). Thus, to represent an OR-split in PIPE, use a place and connect it to two (or more) transitions (the simulation in PIPE works, it just randomly selects one transition). To represent an AND-split, connect a transition to two (or more) places.

[red_yellow *ry]    //in PNLF, for readability reasons, all the outputs of 
                    // a node should rather be presented together;
  { <-(c1 *c1 @),   // some inputs may also be given
    ->(red *r @) { ->[*ry], ->[yellow_green *yg] },  //OR-split
    ->(yellow *y) { ->[yellow_red *yr] { ->(*c1), ->(*r) },
                    ->[*yg]->(green)->[green_yellow] { ->(*y), ->(c2)->[*yr] }
                  } //OR-split
  }. //all the outputs of an OR-split should be presented together

//Note that in PNLF, when a variable is re-used (as in [*ry]), the node type is not
//  given again; different nodes can have a same type but a variable is unique to a node
//Also note how paths are explored/presented as soon as readability permits it
//  (the arcs from/to *yg could have been presented later but this may
//  have made the mental synthesis/checking of the graph a bit more difficult,
//  especially for people who do not have a good short term memory).
//  Better one graph than two (or more), unless a graph becomes bigger than 25 lines
//  (a short page; a graph should never be cut by a page break); like functions in
//  a C/Java program.
//  A branch should be described on the remainder of the line if it has at
//  most two sub-branches and if the desciption does not make the line
//  go over 70 characters (limit over which some email clients begin
//  line-wrapping).

Note the above layout with the transitions (the black rectangles) below one another. Such a "vertical layout" makes graphics simpler to understand and gives the author plenty of space: it permits the author not to use abbreviations for names (which is rarely a good idea), nor to overlap names (overlaps force the reader to guess the names, or if she can, move the nodes to read the names), nor to use too many arcs with several breakpoints (use direct/simple arcs whenever possible). It is better to develop graphs vertically instead of horizontally to ease printing or other displays on devices with limited width..
Although places named c1, c2, ... are used in the PNLF representations above and below because these are the names used in the solutions in the book, ONE SHOULD NOT USE abbreviations such as c1, c2..., P1, P2, ..., T1, T2, ..., even with a legend (within an annotation) giving the full names of the places and transitions. Indeed, this makes the graphics and the results of the analysis EXTREMELY hard/long to understand and check (by people), and hence are also inappropriate to support communication between people (using such abbreviations is nearly as inappropriate as writing in a foreign language and giving a reference to a translation dictionary for this language). The book may use such abbreviations either because actual names do not really matter for certain exercices (any symbol will do), or because it has space constraints.

Example 2: Project X

This model contains "implicit OR-splits" (p.59 in the book): in the linear form, see the strings "){" (for the OR-split after "c6", the "yes" and "no" cases actually form an explicit representation).

(begin @)->[A *a]{->(c1)->[B *b]->(c4)->[F *f]->(end),
                  ->(c2)->[C *c]->(c5)->[*f],
                  ->(c3)->[D *d]->(c6){yes->[E *e]->(c7 *c7), no->[skip_E]->(*c7)}
[*a]->(c8){ ->[*d], <-[*e],  ->[*b], <-[*b],  ->[*c], <-[*c],  ->[*f] }.

Example 3: Railnet

(busy1 *b1 @)->[clear_track]->(free1)->[claim_track]->(claimed1)->[use_track]->(*b1).

The solution given in the book seems to miss an arc from the place "f4" to a transition "claim_track". I have added it here.

(busy1 @
 *b1){ <-[claim_track *ct2]<-(free2 *f2 @), ->[*ct2]->(c2)->[transfer *t12],
       ->[*t12]{ ->(free1 *f1), ->(busy2 *b2) };
(*b2){ <-[claim_track *ct3]<-(free3 *f3),   ->[*ct3]->(c3)->[transfer *t23],
       ->[*t23]{ ->(*f2), ->(busy3 *b3 @) };
(*b3){ <-[claim_track *ct4]<-(free4 *f4 @), ->[*ct4]->(c4)->[transfer *t34],
       ->[*t34]{ ->(*f3), ->(busy4 *b4) };
(*b4){ <-[claim_track *ct1]<-(*f1),         ->[*ct1]->(c1)->[transfer *t41],
       ->[*t41]{ ->(*f4), ->(*b1) }.

Additional information on PNLF

Syntactic Grammar of PNLF

The syntactic rules are expressed using the EBNF notation. The terminal tokens are in italics. The lexical rules needed to specify these terminal tokens are given in the last section of this document. C++ line comments are used to include comments.

PNLF               := (statementsWithinTheSameScopeForVariables ".") +
statementsWithinTheSameScopeForVariables := statement ( ";" statement )*

statement          := transitionStatement | placeStatement
transitionStatement:= transition indirectLinksToTransitions
placeStatement     := place directLinksToTransitions?

transition         := "[" transitionId annotation* "]"
transitionId       := ( transitionType transitionVariable? ) | transitionVariable
transitionType     := identifier
transitionVariable := identifierOfVariable
identifier         := singleQuotedString | doubleQuotedString | term

place              := "(" placeId token? annotation* ")"
token              := "@"
placeId            := ( placeType placeVariable? ) | placeVariable
placeType          := identifier
placeVariable      := identifierOfVariable

annotation         := attributeAndValue | annotationString
attributeAndValue  := attribute "=" value
attribute          := identifier
value              := identifier | PositiveInteger

indirectLinksToTransitions := 1IndirectLinkToTransition | nIndirectLinksToTransitions
1IndirectLinkToTransition  := (("<-" place "<-")| ("->" place "->")) transitionStatement
nIndirectLinksToTransitions:= "{" 1IndirectLinkToTransition ("," 1IndirectLinkToTransition)* "}"

directLinksToTransitions   := 1DirectLinkToTransition | nDirectLinksToTransitions
1DirectLinkToTransition    := ("<-" | "->") transitionStatement
nDirectLinksToTransitions  := "{" 1DirectLinkToTransition ("," 1DirectLinkToTransition)* "}"
                            | "{ yes -> " transitionStatement ", no ->" transitionStatement "}"
                            | "{ no -> " transitionStatement ", yes ->" transitionStatement "}"

Syntactic Grammar of ADLF

The syntactic grammar of ADLF is more or less an extension of the grammar of PNLF, and it is presented in a similar way below. However, the term of "object" is used instead of "transition", and "activity" is used instead of "place".

ADLF              := (statementsWithinTheSameScopeForVariables ".") +
statementsWithinTheSameScopeForVariables := statement ( ";" statement )*

statement         := objectStatement | activityStatement
objectStatement   := object indirectLinksToObjects
activityStatement := activity directLinksToObjects?

object            := "[" objectId annotation* "]" | controlObject
controlObject     := "<" controlObjectId annotation* ">" 
controlObjectId   := "InitialNode" | "ForkNode" | "JoinNode" | "DecisionNode" |
                     "MergeNode" | "ActivityFinal" | "FlowFinal"
objectId          := ( objectType objectVariable? ) | objectVariable
objectType        := identifier
objectVariable    := identifierOfVariable
identifier        := singleQuotedString | doubleQuotedString | term

activity          := "(" activityId token? annotation* ")"
token             := "@"
activityId        := ( activityType activityVariable? ) | activityVariable
activityType      := identifier
activityVariable  := identifierOfVariable

annotation        := attributeAndValue | annotationString
attributeAndValue := attribute "=" value
attribute         := identifier
value             := identifier | PositiveInteger

indirectLinksToObjects := 1IndirectLinkToObject | nIndirectLinksToObjects
1IndirectLinkToObject  := (("<-" activity multiplicity? "<-")|
                           ("->" multiplicity? activity "->")) objectStatement
nIndirectLinksToObjects:= "{" 1IndirectLinkToObject ("," 1IndirectLinkToObject)* "}"
multiplicity           := positiveInteger ".." positiveInteger

directLinksToObjects   := 1DirectLinkToObject | nDirectLinksToObjects
1DirectLinkToObject    := ("<-" | "->") objectStatement
NthDirectLinkToObject  := ("<-" | guard? "->") objectStatement
nDirectLinksToObjects  := "{" NthDirectLinkToObject ("," NthDirectLinkToObject)* "}"
guard                  := simpleGuard
simpleGuard            := identifier

Lexical Grammar for the Terminal Tokens of PNLF and ADLF

The lexical rules - needed to specify the characters constituting terminal tokens and what characters between these tokens are ignored (spaces, comments) - are represented in Lex (EBNF would be much more cumbersome; EBNF also does not permit to represent negation and hence exclude certain characters).

Lexical rules in Lex format:

([ \n\t\r ]|"&nbsp;")+         ; //ignore spaces (the character after \r is not a regular
                                 //space but the non-breaking space)
"//"[^\n]*                     ; //ignore C++ line comments:  //...
"/*"([^\*]|(\*[^\/]))*"*/"     ; //ignore C multiline comments: /*...*/
"/^"([^\^]|(\*[^\/]))*"^/"     ; //ignore also this kind of multiline comments: /^...^/

"(^"([^\^]|(\*[^\/]))*"^)"     return annotationString; // (^...^)
'([^'\\]|(\\(.|\n)))*'         return singleQuotedString;
\"([^"\\]|(\\(.|\n)))*\"       return doubleQuotedString;
"->"                           return rightArrow; // "->"
"<-"                           return leftArrow;  // "<-"
[0-9]+                         return positiveInteger; //this rule has priority over the next
[^*+-/%=;,!|<>{}[]()`'" \n\t\r ][^*=;|<>{}[]()`'" \n\t\r ]*   return term;
.                              return yytext[0];   /*return the character.
   Note: for ADLF, it is also necessary to return each controlNodeId as a special kind of
         lexical token (i.e., not as a term); for example:
     "InitialNode"             return INITIAL_NODE; */

Dr. Philippe A. MARTIN