  exclusion:  pm#atomic_ADT
  supertype:  pm#description_medium  pm#non_spatial_collection
  subtype:  sumo#list  a particular ordered n-tuple of items; generally speaking, lists are created by means of the list_fn function, which takes any number of items as arguments and returns a list with the items in the same order; anything, including other lists, may be an item in a list; note too that lists are extensional - two lists that have the same items in the same order are identical; note too that a list (the null_list) may contain no items
     subtype:  sumo#unique_list  a list in which no item appears more than once, i.e. a list for which there are no distinct numbers ?n1 and ?n2 such that (sumo#list_order_fn ?list ?n1) and (sumo#list_order_fn ?list ?n2) return the same value
        subtype:  kif#null__null_list  type of empty lists
           instance:  sumo#null_list
        subtype:  kif#single__list_with_1_element  list of length 1
     subtype:  kif#double__list_with_2_elements  list of length 2
     subtype:  kif#triple__list_with_3_elements  list of length 3
     subtype:  rdfs#container
        subtype:  rdf#bag
        subtype:  rdf#seq
           subtype:  rdf#list
              subtype:  daml#disjoint__disjoint_list_of_classes  classes in such a list are pairwise disjoint
        subtype:  rdf#alt  alternatives (exclusive or inclusive?)
           subtype:  pm#or_bag  bag of OR-ed elements
           subtype:  pm#xor_bag__xorbag  bag of XOR-ed elements
     subtype:  lis#multidimensional_object  ordered list of thing; click here for details
        subtype:  lis#multidimensional_property_space
        subtype:  lis#multidimensional_number
        subtype:  lis#multidimensional_property
        subtype:  lis#multidimensional_number_space
        subtype:  lis#multidimensional_scale
  subtype:  kif#set  ADT where duplicate elements are not allowed
     subtype:  pm#or_set  set of OR-ed elements
     subtype:  pm#xor_set__xorset  set of XOR-ed elements
  subtype:  pm#number_container
  subtype:  pm#array
     subtype:  pm#string  a string of characters
        subtype:  rdfs#XML_literal
           subtype:  rdfs#Literal
              subtype:  pm#name_string
        subtype:  sumo#character  element of an alphabet, a set of numerals, etc.; sumo#character is a subclass of sumo#symbolic_string, because every instance of sumo#character is an alphanumeric sequence consisting of a single element
  subtype:  pm#queue
  subtype:  pm#stack
  subtype:  pm#keyed_collection_ADT
  subtype:  pm#graph_ADT
     subtype:  sumo#graph__connected_graph__connectedgraph  every graph is assumed to contain at least two arcs and three nodes
  subtype:  #lattice  an arrangement of points or particles or objects in a regular periodic pattern in 2 or 3 dimensions
     subtype:  #space_lattice__spacelattice__crystal_lattice__crystallattice__Bravais_lattice  a 3-dimensional geometric arrangement of the atoms or molecules or ions composing a crystal
  subtype:  rdf#statement
  subtype:  pm#ontology  a set of categories, and definitions or axioms about these categories
     subtype:  dolce#Dolce_version__Dolce  a version of the Dolce ontology
        subtype:  dolce#dolce_full__dolcefull__Dolce  a full version of Dolce
        subtype:  dolce#Dolce_lite__dl  a restricted version of Dolce that can be expressed in OWL DL
  subtype:  xmls#block_set__blockset
  subtype:  owl#data_range

11 statements are about indirect instances of pm#structured_ADT: pm#graph1_on_ontology, pm#graph1_on_conference, pm#graph1_on_file, pm#graph1_on_written_material, pm#graph1_on_publication, pm#graph1_on_report, pm#graph35_on_article, pm#graph1_on_address, pm#graph1_on_housing, pm#graph1_on_meal_shop, pm#graph1_on_person click here to display them or click here for a search form or here to add a statement

Another search (with same display options)?