pm#attribute_or_quality_or_measure  e.g., mass, mass unit, 1 kg, frequency, [2-3] hz, color, blue, speed, 1 m/s
  closed_exclusion:  pm#non_spatial_object_that_is_not_an_attribute_or_quality_or_measure
  exclusion:  pm#spatial_object  pm#description_content  pm#description_container
  supertype:  pm#non_spatial_object  pm#thing_that_can_be_seen_as_a_relation  pm#individual
  subtype:  pm#time_measure__temporal_attribute_or_quality_or_measure  temporal duration or positions of time_points and time_intervals along the universal timeline
     subtype:  sumo#time_measure
     subtype:  #time  the continuum of experience in which events pass from the future through the present to the past
     subtype:  #time_period__period__period_of_time  an amount of time; "a time period of 30 years"; "hastened the period of his recovery"
  subtype:  pm#physical/spatial_attribute_or_quality_or_measure  e.g., mass/length/color measure; here are most of the subtypes of #property.attribute, e.g., #visual_property
     subtype:  dl#physical_quality__PQ  e.g., weight, color, as attributes
     subtype:  dl#physical_region__PR  e.g., 2 meters, 3.5 kg, [2-3] hz
     subtype:  menu#physical_characteristic  this category is for menu-generation purposes
     subtype:  pm#living_entity_attribute_or_quality_or_measure
     subtype:  pm#spatial_attribute_or_quality_or_measure  e.g., length measure in meters
     subtype:  pm#physical/spatial_unit_of_measure
     subtype:  pm#physical_process_attribute_or_quality_or_measure
  subtype:  pm#process_attribute_or_quality_or_measure  e.g., a speed measure
     subtype:  pm#physical_process_attribute_or_quality_or_measure
  subtype:  pm#psychological_attribute_or_quality_or_measure
     subtype:  pm#unit_of_measure_for_a_psychological_attribute
  subtype:  pm#social_attribute_or_quality_or_measure
     subtype:  pm#identifier__id
     subtype:  pm#unit_of_measure_for_a_social_attribute
  subtype:  pm#modality_measure  e.g., pm#never is as an instance
     subtype:  pm#temporal_modality_measure
     subtype:  pm#physical_possibility
  subtype:  pm#numeric_attribute__numericattribute
     subtype:  pm#latitude
     subtype:  pm#longitude
     subtype:  pm#ID_number
     subtype:  pm#star_rating
     subtype:  pm#minimum_number_of_nights
  subtype:  pm#unit_of_measure   Any kind of unit of measure, metre, dollar, kilogram, etc. 
     subtype:  pm#unit_of_time_duration  the class of all unit of measures used to measure time, e.g., minute, second, hour, etc.
     subtype:  pm#physical/spatial_unit_of_measure
     subtype:  pm#unit_of_measure_for_a_process
     subtype:  pm#unit_of_measure_for_a_psychological_attribute
     subtype:  pm#unit_of_measure_for_a_social_attribute
     subtype:  #unit_of_measurement__unit  any division of quantity accepted as a standard of measurement or exchange; "the dollar is the United States unit of currency"; "a unit of wheat is a bushel"; "change per unit volume"
  subtype:  pm#security_attribute
     subtype:  pm#dependancy_or_information_security_attribute
  subtype:  sumo#Attribute
     subtype:  sumo#internal_attribute  any attribute of an entity that is an internal property of the entity, e.g., its shape, its color, its fragility, etc
     subtype:  sumo#relational_attribute  any attribute that an entity has by virtue of a relationship that it bears to another entity or set of entities, e.g., social_roles and positional_attributes
     subtype:  dl#quality__Q  an attribute/dimension of something, e.g., its color, but not the measure of this color
  subtype:  sumo#quantity  any specification of how many or how much of something there is
     subtype:  pm#atomic_ADT__atomic_abstract_data_type
     subtype:  sumo#physical_quantity  a measure of some quantifiable aspect of the modeled world, such as 'the earth's diameter' (a constant length) and 'the stress in a loaded deformable solid' (a measure of stress, which is a function of three spatial coordinates); physical_quantities need not be material, e.g., amounts of money (in specified currencies) would be instances of sumo#physical_quantity
  subtype:  #measure__quantity__amount__quantum  how much there is of something that you can measure
     subtype:  #probability.measure  a measure of how likely it is that some event will occur; "what is the probability of rain?"; "we have a good chance of winning"
     subtype:  #economic_value__value  the amount (of money or goods or services) that is considered to be a fair equivalent for something else; "he tried to estimate the value of the produce at normal prices"
     subtype:  #fundamental_quantity__fundamentalquantity__fundamental_measure__fundamentalmeasure  one of the four quantities that are the basis of systems of measurement
     subtype:  #definite_quantity  a specific measure of amount
     subtype:  #indefinite_quantity  an estimated quantity
     subtype:  #relative_quantity  a quantity relative to some purpose
     subtype:  #cordage.measure  the amount of wood in an area as measured in cords
     subtype:  #octane_number__octane_rating  a measure of the antiknock properties of gasoline
     subtype:  #linear_measure__long_measure  a measure of length
     subtype:  #magnetic_flux  a measure of the strength of a magnetic field over a given area
     subtype:  #volume  the amount of 3-dimensional space occupied by an object; "the gas expanded to twice its original volume"
     subtype:  #volume.measure  a relative amount; "mix one volume of the solution with ten volumes of water"
     subtype:  #proof.measure  a measure of alcoholic strength expressed as an integer twice the percentage of alcohol present (by volume)
     subtype:  #playing_period__playingperiod__period_of_play__play  (in games or plays or other performances) the time during which play proceeds; "rain stopped play in the 4th inning"
     subtype:  #time_interval__interval  a definite length of time marked off by two instants
  subtype:  #attribute  an abstraction belonging to or characteristic of an entity
     subtype:  #trait  a distinguishing feature of one's personal nature
     subtype:  #thing.attribute  any attribute or quality considered as having its own existence: "the thing I like about her is ..."
     subtype:  #common_denominator  an attribute that is common to all members of a category
     subtype:  #personality  the complex of all the attributes--behavioral, temperamental, emotional and mental--that characterize a unique individual; "their different reactions reflected their very different personalities"; "it is his nature to help others"
     subtype:  #cheerfulness__cheer  the quality of being cheerful and dispelling gloom; "flowers added a note of cheerfulness to the drab room"
     subtype:  #uncheerfulness  not conducive to cheer or good spirits
     subtype:  #ethos__etho  the distinctive spirit of a people or an era; "the Greek ethos"
     subtype:  #quality  an essential and distinguishing attribute of something or someone; "the quality of mercy is not strained"--Shakespeare
     subtype:  #property.attribute  a basic or essential attribute shared by all members of a class; "a study of the physical properties of atomic particles"
     subtype:  #inheritance.attribute__heritage  any attribute or immaterial possession that is inherited from ancestors; "my only inheritance was my mother's blessing"; "the world's heritage of knowledge"
  subtype:  #property__attribute__dimension  a construct whereby objects or individuals can be distinguished; "self-confidence is not an endearing property"
     subtype:  #quality.property__character__lineament  a characteristic property that defines the apparent individual nature of something; "each town has a quality all its own"; "the radical character of our demands"
     subtype:  #feature.property__characteristic  a prominent aspect of something: "the map showed roads and other features"; "generosity is one of his best characteristics"
  subtype:  #magnitude_relation__magnituderelation__quantitative_relation  a relation between magnitudes
     subtype:  #scale  relative magnitude; "they entertained on a grand scale"
     subtype:  #ratio  the relative magnitudes of two quantities (usually expressed as a quotient)
     subtype:  #rate  a magnitude or frequency relative to a time unit; "they traveled at a rate of 55 miles per hour"; "the rate of change was faster than expected"

1 schema is about pm#attribute_or_quality_or_measure
     [any pm#attribute_or_quality_or_measure (^$(no inheritance)$^)]

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